I am from England and am trying to find the family of my grandfather, Michael Hamadyk, born 1919 to Michael Hamadyk and Aniela Walus (of Wojtkowa). Michael was deported to Germany in 1943 and lost contact with all his family. Perhaps I could find some information from the evidence envelopes mentioned? But where is the City/Commune office for Graziowa now? Does anyone have an address?
Może Pani spytać o akta związane z rodziną w Urzędzie Stanu Cywilnego w Ustrzykach Dolnych e-mail usc@ustrzyki-dolne.pl Koperty adresowe były w okresie powojennym, ten sposób poszukiwania dla Pani jest nieodpowiedni.
OdpowiedzUsuńMoże Pani spróbować spytać o Rodzinę https://www.facebook.com/hamadyk.lukasz
OdpowiedzUsuńThat's a good idea. Thank you.
UsuńPani Anno prosze zajrzec na strone archiwum w Arolsen (https://arolsen-archives.org/en/search-explore/search-online-archive/). Tam jest karta Pani dziadka Michala z ktorej wynika iz po wojnie przebywal on na terenie Niemiec w miejscowosci ktora nalezala po wojnie do strefy amerykanskiej, mial w planach wyjazd do USA, ale wyjemigrowal w 1958 lub 1960 do Anglii. Poslubil Anne z domu Hewko ur. 24.08.1925 i wraz z nia posiadal synow Michala ur. 17.08.1946 r., Tomasza ur. 21.09.1948 r. oraz Jozefa ur. 19.03.1955 r.
OdpowiedzUsuńJesli poszuka Pani na tej stronie archiwum w Arolsen- Anna Hewko, znajdzie Pani duzo informacji dot. Pani rodziny, nawet zdjecie Pani Anny Hewko po mezu Hamadyk (jej nazwisko pojawia sie jako Hamadek oraz Hamadyk)
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you. I have all this information from the Arolsen archive. I am looking for the brothers and sisters of my grandfather. He was the youngest of nine children. He didn't talk about his family very much: I think it distressed him. I believe that Aniela Walus (my grandfather's mother) was my great grandfather's second wife and his first wife may have been called Catherine. My grandfather was brought up by his grandmother, so I think Aniela may have died when he was young.
UsuńMy great grandfather's name was Michael Hamadyk and he had sisters Julke, Marina (Maria?) and Catherine. Marina and Catherine moved to the USA. He also had two brothers Andrzej and Mikolaj. They also moved to the USA. Perhaps someone might recognize this family?